Photo by Chloe Acuzy

Jasmine Ji 
is an interdisciplinary Interactive Video/Sound and Experience Designer, whose works primarily focuses on the intersections of technology and the human experience. Her use of interactive technology invites viewers to become active participants in the creation and interpretation of her pieces. From virtual reality to interactive projections, she explores the dynamic relationship between audience and artwork, utilizing technology to foster connections and dialogue. By creating a space for communication and collaboration, her work strives to incorporate a sense of inclusivity and community, as well as, promote innovative ways in which technology can shape our perceptions and experiences. Pushing the boundaries of what is possible through art, Jasmine explores the ever-changing relationship between the physical and virtual world, and seeks to bridge that gap through immersive and inclusive experiences.

.Education2024- BFA Interactive Art / Sound Art at Maryland Institute College of Art
- Decker / Meyerhoff Gallery, Commencement Artwalk
2022/2023 - Wunderkammer Exhibition
2022 -  Viseral Space, Dolphin Gallery
- Kaean Khan / Jasmine Ji, “To Be Your Happy Place”,
Wunderkammer Live Performance

2023 - Eric (AIV) / Jasmine Ji, Fragments, Music Video
2022 - Brandon Vazquez / Jasmine Ji, Video Synthesis Exchange
2022 - Immersive Lab / Jasmine Ji, Visceral Space Exhibition
.Sound Performances
- “To Be Your Happy Place”, Live Performance

2023 - The Vigil, MICA, Live Performance
2023 - Le Mondo “Bawdymore Bazaar Carnivale Masquerade & Market”,
Live Performance


- Interactive Arts Major Open House Showcase
2024 - “Projecting Space”, Projection Mapping Class TA
2023 - The Vigil, Live Event Technician/Assistant
2022 - Le Mondo,Live Event Technician/Assistant
2022/2023 - Wunderkammer Exhibition, Exhibit Designer/Coordinator and AV installation
2022 -  Viseral Space, Dolphin Gallery, AV installation

jasmine ji